Not purchasing clothes for one year might not be a big deal for you, but it is a HUGE deal for me! I’ll admit. I. love. clothes. And I love clothes to a fault. After returning home from Guatemala in October 2014, I took one look at my closet, and just wanted to cry. It was spilling over with clothes. So many more clothes than I would ever need or likely even wear. I could practically clothe Guatemala with the amount of clothes in my closet.
After serving in my church’s street ministry for the last 4 years and being in poverty-stricken country, it hit me like a ton of bricks; I wasn’t practicing what I was preaching. Oh sure, I could pass out clothing, socks and shoes on a weekend. But on Monday, I could surely stop by Banana Republic and pick up a couple of new dresses, whether I needed them or not. There wasn’t a trip through San Marcos, TX that I didn’t stop.
And don’t get me started on the ridiculous GAP outlet coupons I’d find in my inbox. This, undoubtedly, assured me at least 10-15 new pieces of clothing for hardly anything.
As I looked in my closets, fumbling through my clothes, a pattern began to emerge. Rack after rack AFTER RACK of BRAND NEW CLOTHES with the tags still on them. Remember when the Jason Wu for Target line came out back in 2012? I was IN LINE before the doors opened and bought every piece he created. And guess how many pieces I’ve worn? Three. THREE!!! There were about 10-12 pieces in the total line, so the remainder sit in my closet, unworn and, in eBay lingo, ‘NWT.’ (Let me know if you’d like to buy any pieces.)
And then a conviction came over me. Could I go ONE WHOLE YEAR and not buy a single piece of clothing? I had my doubts. I really, really love clothes! (Have I already said that?!)
Once you are truly disheartened with yourself and a bad habit, you vow to make a change. And that’s exactly what I did. I embarked 2015 and labeled it the “Year of No Clothing Purchases.” I expected to fail, therefore I didn’t blast this all over social media, but did tell my parents, sister and a few close friends in order to have some accountability.
I did pretty well the first half of the year. Truth is, my schedule is different every day and I usually see different customers most weeks. Therefore, I can mostly wear the same outfits, cycling accessories, shoes and combinations.
But then, it happened…a “black tie affair” work related event! Usually these happen once a year or so, so I’ve worn most of my “black tie” dresses in the past and HEAVEN FORBID wearing something I’ve worn before. I panicked. Here it was June, I made it 6 months without buying a stitch of clothing and I was about to have to purchase a new dress. I was devastated.
In a last ditch effort, I scavenged my closet for any trace of a “black tie” dress that would suffice.
Low and behold, I FOUND a little black dress, NWT, squished between other dresses in my closet. I honestly could not remember buying it, but I knew it had to be 3-4 years old as I completely recycled my wardrobe after my divorce in 2011. But would it even fit? I must have ordered it online as I had never tried it on. And HALLELUJAH! I squeezed in the dress. Juuuuusssst barely.
Again, the ridiculousness of my habit was front and center and I was more determined than ever to finish the year without purchasing new clothes.
Then fall rolled around, and the “Year of No Clothing Purchases” was really no big deal anymore. It wasn’t hard to delete coupons from my email. It wasn’t hard to drive right past my favorite stores. A new normal began to set in for me. Throughout 2015, I also began to slowly clean out my closets (still more to go) using the “two year rule.” If it hasn’t been worn in two years, it’s donated. I mean, because does anyone really need 8 pair of khaki pants?! What in the world?!
(On a side note, my mom was cleaning out closets at her house over the fall, and found a sack of clothes from Banana Republic, of course, NWT. The receipt in the bag was dated 2012. I didn’t even remember buying them, but apparently had left them there because I had no room in my suitcase to take them home. I mean, seriously?! *sigh*)
As the calendar rolled over to January 1, 2016, I completed my one year clothing sabbatical and did not spend a dime on clothes. What did I lose? NOTHING! What did I gain? SO MUCH PERSPECTIVE. I think this also goes hand in hand with getting older. Somewhere along the way, you (I) start to care less and less about what other people think. You seek out friendships based on genuine love; those who adore you for YOU and never judge. Of course, I still want to look cute and put together, but no longer feel the need to purchase new clothes every month. In my journey towards simplicity, I am learning that less is MORE. Less clothes equals less hassle, less space needed to house them, and less decisions to make! Less things, less space, less hassle, less decisions…I think I see a new habit forming!
In addition, my one year moratorium on purchasing new clothes allowed me additional cash flow to donate, invest and/or save. More on this to come in future posts, but it’s true you can’t outgive God. And it’s INCREDIBLY important to save and invest.
As I post this, it is January 30th, 2016 and I have no desire to go out and shop. (I stopped in Ross this week just to test my stamina, and I didn’t buy a stitch of clothing! In fact, I didn’t really enjoy being in there.) Granted I’m certain I will purchase new clothing again, but my purchases will be much more thought out and NECESSARY, rather than because I simply want.
So as for me? I want simplicity. I want less. My “Year of No Clothes Purchases” exemplifies both. I’m excited to see what additional convictions the Lord lays on my heart, to make me a better me AND to make me more like Him.
If you’d like to read more about the benefits of owning fewer clothes, here is a post from one of my favorite blogs! A Practical Guide to Owning Fewer Clothes
What about you? Could you go an entire year and not purchase any clothes? It’s a freeing experience to break a bad habit! Are you up for the challenge? Tell me in the comments below.
Sara, I enjoyed reading this post. It is a real life example of a great lesson I can use.
Thank you so much Randy!
It’s 2018 now.. 2019 in just a few days… I feel God calling me to do without any new clothing for a while. This morning I had decided to promise to get through January and February. I think I can only get through a few months at a time but perhaps this coming through my news feed today is a sign. I’ll be praying!😊
I love this Pam! Take it one step at a time. Jan/Feb would be a huge accomplishment. Let me know how it goes! xoxo
Love this, Sara! I so rarely buy new clothes that a year without anything wouldn’t be such a stretch. Sure, inconvenient at times (like if my one pair of jeans ripped) but nothing too catastrophic. But I too have too many clothes. A full closet here and a half-full closet at my parents’ house. One thing I try to do is to get rid of one thing for every new thing I buy. I also take note on those days when it feels like everything you own is dirty. Those things I’m refusing to wear even though they’re “the only thing” in my closet I don’t need to have.
Katie Axelson recently posted…Empty Shelf Challenge: January 2016
I love this! Such a great idea!!!! I actually thought of Racers as I wrote this post. They TRULY know the definition of a year without purchasing clothes!
Don’t let us fool you: we buy new clothes. Some of us buy too many new clothes. Or at least scarves for sure. I need to add scarves to my “buy one, donate one” project.
Katie Axelson recently posted…I Don’t Have Anything Worth Saying
I am not sure I could go a whole year without buying any new clothes- but over the past year I have adopted less is more! I used that trick where you turn all of your hangers around at the beginning of the year, and in 3-6 months if that hanger isn’t turned around you can either try to sell it at a resell shop, or donate it. So baby steps for me, but the mindset is the same. Thank you for sharing this, it just might be the inspiration I need to get to the next level! Hugs girlie!!! Miss you!!
Ooooo I love this idea Jill!!!! What a fantastic idea!!! Hopefully we will find ourselves in the same city sometime soon! <3
I probably won’t but if wanted to I could. Clothes don’t matter as much as they use too. I really like them but don’t go as much either. O.K with both ways.
You are so right!!! Clothes aren’t nearly as important (to me) as they once were! Love you much!
Way to go, Sara! This is a hard challenge, but one that is so good. I’ve done something similar a couple of times, though for shorter periods, and I’m always amazed at how I forget why I even shopped so much in the first place. Now, I try to avoid buying anything new if it’s not made under ethical conditions, so that makes it easy to not buy a lot! Thanks for sharing this. It’s always encouraging to know others think like this, too!
Thank you so much Sarah!!! Your words are always such a blessing to me!
Sara, what a great soul you are! So happy you are someone I can call a friend! Loving your blog! ❤️❤️❤️
Leanne, you are such a blessing to ME! Love you SO SO much! 🙂
I think the majority of us can look in our Closet(s) and our homes how much God has blessed us. I could go a year without buying clothes for two reasons, one I really don’t like shopping for clothes and two trying them on. But now could I go a year without buying fabric? That’s a question to be pondered. Each of us have something that giving up for a year would be a challenge. Thanks for the thought provoking search.
Lots of new collection of dresses. Those things I’m refusing to wear even though they’re “the only thing” in my closet I don’t need to have. I love this Sara!!! 🙂 🙂
Thanks so much Doris! If you do a clothes fast, please let me know. <3
Clothing is my go to spend when work is involved. As I work virtually so much of the time, a few polished pieces work well as a daily uniform, but when I hit the city (e.g. New York or Philadelphia) I feel like my wardrobe is twice as noticed. A few years ago I started inkling towards realizing that it was more a head problem than a fashion lack. 🙂 . Project 333 has been my go to since then, the weekly or monthly shopping trips have stopped, classic pieces have taken over and my budget has new levels of savings.
Somehow between the two houses I still manage to have too much, but working on that. It’s a process.
I haven’t been to either city but might have to go shopping if I do, lol. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this Sweetie! xo