In 2004, Mel Gibson released The Passion of the Christ and for me, it was the very first time I saw an accurate depiction of Christ’s crucifixion. I distinctly remember the somber mood of the crowd as we left the theater. I remember I wept and my heart literally hurt because all I could think about was He loved me THAT much. If I would have been the ONLY person alive on Earth, He would have walked the Via Dolorosa JUST. FOR. ME. Have you ever pondered what that means?
As you read the next few lines, replace my name with yours. All scripture references are taken from Isaiah 53 The Message version.
“It was (Sara’s) sins that did that to Him, that RIPPED and TORE and CRUSHED Him. God piled ALL of (Sara’s) sins, everything (I’ve) done wrong, on Him, ON HIM. He was beaten. He was tortured, but He didn’t say a word. He took it all in silence. He died without a thought for His own welfare, beaten bloody for (Sara’s) sins.
Still it’s what God had in mind all along, to crush Him with pain. The plan was that He give Himself as an offering for (Sara’s) sins, so that He’d see life come from it—life, life, and more life.”
I get chills when I read Isaiah 53 and ponder my face, my name, going through His mind as He was bludgeoned, spat on and suffocated. I am not worthy. Yet, He thinks I am. I can’t grasp that. I fail Him daily, and He knew I would. Yet, He still chose to die for me (and you) so that I (you) could have life and have it to the fullest (John 10:10b)! Don’t take that sacrifice lightly!
I beg you, if you don’t know the saving grace, beautiful mercies and unconditional love of our Lord Jesus Christ, please take a moment this Easter weekend to read Isaiah 53 and reflect on the ultimate sacrifice made for you (and me). Also, ponder the fact that Isaiah was written ~700 years BEFORE the birth of Christ. Isaiah was an obedient vessel, divinely inspired to pen words straight from the heart of God.
This is not about religion, or a denomination, or an altar call. It’s about a man who suffered and died for YOU because He loves you THIS much. He wants a relationship with YOU. He wants to give you LIFE. He wants to give you FREEDOM. He wants to give you PEACE and HOPE. Won’t you let Him change EVERYTHING for you?
Here is a simple prayer you can pray to receive Jesus right this minute:
My heart is leaping if you just prayed this prayer! I can’t wait to spend eternity with you! Your name is now officially written in The Lamb’s Book of Life! Would you publicly profess your newly found life in Christ? I would love for you to share in the comments below. You will be such an encouragement to others who may be reading. Or, please visit my contact me page and share your decision with me. I’d be honored to pray for you as you begin this new journey!
Hi Sara,
It’s been so long since I’ve talked to you! I’m thrilled to be following your blog! Life never seems to turn out the way you expect, but your faith can bring you through the darkest of times! You have always been beautiful, inside and out, and I know God has great things in store for you! You have always been a great role model for me and I’m excited to grow spiritually from your inspiring words!
Bria! What a blessing you are to me! Thank you SO much for your kind words. It has definitely been forever. Man, I’m so glad our formative years were spent together at CBC. We are bonded for eternity! Love you and thank you again! <3