If you travel frequently by air, chances are you own an experience with delayed or lost luggage. Honestly, I’ve had it happen more times than I care to recount. But back in November 2014, I had the EPIC lost luggage experience. It was one of those trips where I was leaving Corpus Christi for OVER 2 weeks, with stops in multiple cities along the way before finally making it to Louisiana for Thanksgiving. My first stop was Boston via DFW to attend a national conference.
Normally, I DON’T take the latest flight to get to my destination, but for whatever reason, this trip I was on one of the last flights to BOS from DFW. Landing around 11 pm ET, I was already exhausted since I was up WAY later than my normal bedtime (don’t hate…early to bed, early to rise). I waited at the carousel as the bags went ’round and ’round and after about 15 minutes, that sinking feeling set in. My bags are tagged PRIORITY and normally come out first, so pretty quickly, I knew there was an issue.
When the carousel finally stopped and my bag was nowhere to be found, I meandered over to the baggage claim desk to wait my turn in a VERY. LONG. LINE. behind other disgruntled travelers. Now pushing nearly midnight, my knees were weak and my brain, FRIED. (If you know me well, you know it’s basically torture to keep me up late at night.)
Finally, I got up to the counter, and presented my bag claim ticket to the agent. She typed in my locator code on the computer once, then again, AND AGAIN. Trouble. She asked me if I had stopped anywhere else along the way. “Just DFW for a connection.” She then proceeds to tell me that my bag was in… Guadalajara. WHAT?! GUADALAJARA! As in MEXICO?! I mean, how does that even happen?! Don’t those scanner deals like BUZZ OR BEEP when the bag guy scans it onto the WRONG PLANE…to the WRONG COUNTRY?! Apparently not. (I’m looking at you American Airlines!)
I’m grumpy. Exhausted. Completely spent. Of course I was upset. In just a few short hours, I was supposed to be prepped and ready to work a trade show booth in conjunction with a few other colleagues and THE OWNERS OF OUR COMPANY! And I had no business clothes, no deodorant, no makeup, and NO CHI!!!!!!! #FirstWorldProbs I wanted to cry. I don’t remember crying, but it’s probable I did.
I was met with a decision. Do I scream at the bag agent (like the 5 people in front of me) or do I treat her with grace? Although I was FUMING inside, I chose the latter. (One of my BIGGEST PET PEEVES when traveling is seeing the way GROWN ADULTS treat airline agents when a plane is delayed, canceled or their luggage is lost. It’s seriously not their fault, people! Travel Etiquette Rule #1: If you treat your attendants nicely, they will likely bend over backwards to accommodate you. If you yell and scream at them, forget about a convenient solution. Can you say hello airport cot?)
I calmly explained my predicament to the agent, where I was supposed to be the next morning, etc. I’m sure she could see I was visibly exhausted and she graciously extended me $300 to purchase clothing and toiletries to tide me over until my bag got back from its Mexican vacation. (Score 1 for American Airlines for owning up to their mistake.)
I grabbed a cab and headed to the hotel. Luckily, they had a few toiletries to tide me over. I texted my colleague in the middle of the night to let her know what had happened. Assured her I would get up early, find clothes, necessary items, etc. and would be there as quickly as I could.
After just a few hours’ sleep, I got up and set out on foot in downtown Boston to purchase clothing and toiletries with my $300. (Note, I looked like death warmed over and of course, ran into a customer from Texas on the elevator. She was gracious, but she totally laughed at me.) In Texas, I could have found a Ross Dress for Less and probably got 25 outfits for $300. There was a mall next door, but when the stores inside say PRADA, LOUIS VUITTON and KATE SPADE the likelihood of me walking out with even a pair of panties for $300 was slim to none.
I found a CVS nearby and about $100 went there first. (I know, I know I should learn to carry-on, but remember this trip was OVER 2 weeks which means a need for lots of products over 3.4 oz.)
I seriously was in dire straits for finding any cheap clothing, but FINALLY found an Anne Taylor-The Loft and a clearance rack! I was told it could take up to 2 days to get my suitcase, so I needed 2 outfits if possible. And I was in luck! Found a super cute black and white striped long skirt with a lime green sweater and then another white shirt with cute black skinny pants. And guess what? I actually ended up spending LESS than the $300 American Airlines allotted me. (All I have to say is THANK JESUS this didn’t happen in November of 2015 when I was at the end of my Year of No New Clothes. I would have been sunk either way.)

November 2014-The morning after…new outfit from The Loft and super short hair due to an extremely unfortunate incident with the Sarah Potempa Beachwaver, but that’s a post for another day. 😉
After gathering all my needed supplies, I rushed back to the hotel, showered and actually made it to the booth by 11 am. That’s record ‘getting ready time’ for me! I honestly don’t know how I made it through the day and through our customer dinner that evening since I only had a few hours’ sleep! (Note: I DO NOT FUNCTION without sleep!)
The next day, I donned my cute new black skinny pants and about 2:00 that afternoon, the hotel called with the GOOD NEWS that my BAG HAD ARRIVED! HOORAY! Once I got back to the room that evening, I was sure SOMETHING would have been missing. But EVERYTHING was at it should be! I couldn’t believe it. Nothing missing, nothing spilled. Just my normal suitcase, clothes and toiletries. And my ever-loving CHI! (I mean, at the very least, it could have came back with a passport stamp or something.)
I reflected… This was THE EPIC lost bag experience (for me…some of you have had MUCH worse). And although it was VERY stressful and inconvenient, I survived. And in hindsight, it really wasn’t that big of a deal! So next time your milk spills, or your baggage is lost, suck it up, Buttercup! Treat the agent nicely, troubleshoot your situation, problem solve and rest assured, life will go on.
Trust, I have a gazillion travel nightmare stories. This is ONE of many! My luggage is, on average, delayed about 4-5 times per year. But I’ve learned to roll with the punches and just laugh it off. Do you have an epic lost luggage story? TELL ME! How did you handle it? How was it resolved? But did you die? 😉 Share more in the comments below.
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