Recently, I accomplished a goal I repeatedly said I could never do…
For my entire life, I’ve been athletic. My mom had a tennis racquet in my hand as soon as I was big enough to hold it without toppling over.
And for the last 15 years or so, in addition, to playing tennis, I’ve walked 2 miles every day, usually first thing in the morning, just as the sun peeks over the horizon. (If I had my way, I’d be outside all day, every day! I can’t get enough of the outdoors!)
And in those last 15 years, more than once, I’ve tried running. And it NEVER worked out for me. Almost immediately I would get these excruciatingly painful side stitches and could not run another step.
But then, in California this past July, I gave running ANOTHER whirl (just for kicks). And the weirdest thing happened. I didn’t get side stitches! I ran, and I could run sorta far!
Our company meetings usually start around 8 am, which means if I’m going to get outside, I need to go about 5:00 am in order to get back, shower and get ready in time.
And we just so happen to stay at the beach for these meetings, so outside means “along the beach.” And if you’ve never experienced a California beach at 5 am, you HAVE TO DO IT. *swoon* There was one morning the moon was set just on top of the water and it was truly one of the most amazing sites I’ve ever seen! Light sprinkled across the waves. The air was cool (as early fall is in the south) and a sense of peace consumed me.
As I ran, I thought, “This MUST be a fluke!” But the next morning, and every morning after that in California, I got up and did a walk/run. Walk a little, jog little. I was seriously amazed at both my stamina and the fact that side stitches were nowhere to be found.
“I bet when I get back to Texas and try this in the heat and humidity, I’ll get side stitches.” NOPE! Didn’t happen. Once I got home, I tried again and NO PAIN. What the what?
Over the last few years, I’ve followed along as many of you completed the Couch to 5K training program. I knew if I was seriously going to do this, I would need to train appropriately. So I downloaded the C25K app (free) and began my journey to running a full 5K.
C25K is a training program that gradually increases in difficulty while adequately training you to run a 5K in only 8 short weeks. I didn’t tell y’all I was doing this, because I really had no intention of completing it… I figured I would give it whirl and quit as the intensity increased.
I began C2K on August 20th. There are 3 training sessions per week. I ran a 5K for the first time EVER on Sept 21st. Meaning I completed the program in only 4 weeks. I ran 6 days per week (completing 2 “training” weeks in 1).
Week one was pretty easy. Alternating 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 30 minutes (includes a 5 minute warmup and cooldown).
Week two was a tad harder, but I still managed fairly well. After a 5 minute warmup, you jog for 90 seconds and walk for 2 minutes for a total of 20 minutes.
Week three began and I was required to jog for a full 3 minutes in between walking segments, repeated for 28 total minutes. This is where the program began to get a little challenging for me. Even though I didn’t get side stitches, my stamina waned especially toward the end of the workout. But I fulfilled it each time.
Week 4 started and proved to be the hardest yet. Jogging for a full 5 minutes rotated with sets of walking for 31 minutes total. YIKES! “There’s NO way!” I said to myself. Yet, interestingly enough I completed it.
Weeks 5 through 8 followed the same pattern gradually increasing in intensity. The last set of week 5 is running for 2 entire miles. NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY I can do this….. But I did! And I did it in south Texas in the heat and humidity! As soon as I got in, I texted all my runner friends in celebration! I could not believe it!
Week 6…2.25 miles…DONE (Up to this point I had been running in regular tennis shoes. But since it appeared I was getting serious about this, I got a pair of REAL running shoes; Brooks to be exact. And it made a WORLD of difference. So make sure you have REAL running shoes.)
Week 7…2.5 miles…DONE
Week 8… 2.75 miles…DONE
And finally…an entire 5K! And it truly came full circle… I started this journey along the Pacific Coastline in Huntington Beach, CA and I ran my first unofficial 5K along the same path. My heart leaped as the completion timer (on the C25K app) went off. It was an amazing accomplishment and I celebrated the success!
Here a couple of key takeaways from this journey:
- When the going got tough and the intensity increased, I didn’t give up. I pushed through each time. I never missed a workout nor did I fail to complete a task.
- It was crucial I keep my eyes forward. If I looked down at the path in front of me, I would quickly become dizzy and feel slightly nauseous (especially in the heat and humidity).
- It’s been said it takes anywhere from 21 to 66 days to form a new habit. Rubbish. If you set your mind and are determined to accomplish a goal, the habit follows, becomes enjoyable and you look forward to completing the task daily. Thus you can immediately form a new habit.
- I was surprised at how quickly I acclimated once I trained correctly.
Hmmm, seems like a lot of these takeaways can apply in life too. Yes?
So what’s next? My dad is 70 and runs about 3 miles plus stairs every day! He and I are signed up for a 5K Glow Run in November. It will be my first official race! Hopefully I won’t finish last and/or embarrass myself with my time. 😛
I’d like to get fully comfortable with a 5K and then possibly move onto a 10K and MAYYYYYBE a half or full marathon. I’d eventually love to do the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim hike and to complete it successfully, it’s recommended you be able to run 30 miles! THIRTY! WHOA! So I’ve got a long way to go, but I’ve started, experienced success and am looking forward to what’s to come! (And as soon as I press SEND on this post, I’m out for a run along the beach! 🙂 )
What about you guys? Have you completed C25K or other running/athletic goals? I’d LOVE to hear your story. What kept you going? What do you have your sights set on? Please share in the comments below. (And if anyone can share why I suddenly STOPPED getting side stitches, I’d LOVE to hear from you! I have NO explanation.)
Have fun and enjoy every moment….even the ones when everything hurts and you want to give up. I remember when I started running more than “every now and then”. It was in Springhill, LA! I could only run one lap around the track. Now, almost 20 years later…..I’m still running. Nothing like a new wardrobe of t-shirts and a few medals/ribbons to keep you going. :).
One tip: Always have at least 2 pair of tennis shoes and rotate them. Better on your footsies. SO incredibly proud of you!!!!!! Love sharing your journey!
You are my inspiration, friend! Thank you for all this advice!! I’ll definitely get two pair of shoes. Love love you!
Another great story Sara. I used the nike app but I still have not fully ran the 5k without stopping. I can do it alternating walk/run. Your story has inspired me to get back at it. I was enjoying my runs before I stopped. My first official 5k will be in January so I need to get to it. Good luck on your race and have fun.
Ohhhh thank you SO much Peewee!!!!! Promise me we’ll run a 5K together one day!!!! <3
Sara, I finally got around to reading this, and it reminds me of when I trained for the Roll n Roll half-marathon. When you have a structured training schedule and stick to it, it makes all the difference in the world! Lately I’ve been doing some very non-structured walk-run sessions and boy oh boy can I tell it’s been too long! As you know, my brother is an insane runner. Last weekend he did the rim-to-rim run at the Grand Canyon. Check out his Facebook and Instagram pics!! Maybe y’all can run together sometime! 😃
Debbie!!! I didn’t know you did a half!!! I love that! So my friend Dawn and I want to do Rim to Rim sometime in the next few years, but you have to be in insane shape and I’m NOWHERE near that!!!!! Love you!
Yep! I did…it was mostly a fast walk with the intermittent brief run, but I finished and didn’t come in last! 🙂
Go Sara Go!!
I recently went from Couch to 5k too. It took me a lot longer than normal as I got shin splints. It turns out my shoes were worn,
Kieran recently posted…Couch to 5k – Week 9