Today on SimplySara, I’m thrilled to introduce you to my sweet friend, Anna K. Hughes. She has an amazing heart for the Lord and I know you’ll enjoy meeting her. The plans I had for 2017 fell apart before it even started, so I think it’s probably safe to say some of you *may* have already fallen short on your New Year’s Resolution(s). If this is the case for you, take heart! Anna has some amazing words of encouragement in the post below. Thank you Anna for sharing your heart with us!
This time of year, it can seem like everyone in the world is becoming a new and better version of themselves.
Everyone is starting a new diet, joining a new gym, or planning their dream vacation for this summer.
And it’s only the middle of January and you’ve already messed up on your Whole 30 plan and you still haven’t found the time to take down all of your Christmas decorations (or maybe that was just me who forgot about the wreath on my front door).
You’ve already fallen short on your New Year’s Resolution.
And it’s only the middle of January and you’re already feeling tired, overwhelmed, and like a failure.
If this is you, boy do I have some good news for you.
Life Happens
Though this may not seem like good news, it is. The fact that sometimes things that are out of our control just happen is comforting, because we can know that we are not alone when we feel overwhelmed by the chaos that we have found ourselves in.
The even better news when we find ourselves in these moments is that Jesus came for this very reason.
In John 16, Jesus says:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
I was reminded of this as I was reading Sara’s most recent post: When I Was Forced to Lie In Green Pastures.
Sara didn’t plan to end up in the hospital for 22 days! No one would “resolve” to do such a thing. Gosh, can you imagine starting your year off like that? I mean I’m a nurse, so trust me when I say to you, when you are in the hospital you are no longer in control. Your schedule, your to-do list, how much you sleep, and even what you eat, is at the mercy of someone else’s orders.
But this is what Jesus came for.
Jesus came for us to rest in when we fall short of our New Year’s Resolutions.
He came because God knew, this sin filled world that we live in would be difficult. Jesus came so that we could have hope, not in our circumstances or in our resolutions or in the new versions of ourselves that we try and create – but a hope in Him that is eternal and all-satisfying.
Reclaim The Right Resolutions
When we take a step back – after walking through wherever we have found ourselves and as we walked with Sara through the journey she has shared with us as well – I think it becomes rather apparent that many of us are making the wrong resolutions.
Or maybe it’s not so much that we are making the wrong resolutions, but that we are resolving to do things in the wrong order.
Losing weight, eating healthy, or using your gifts to chase the dreams God has given you, are not necessarily things that you should not resolve to do, but they are not and will not ever be ultimately sustaining in times of hardship or chaos.
The only thing that we can resolve to do that will ultimately grow us spiritually and prepare us for times of chaos, is to focus on our relationship with the Lord.
I recently created a small resource to help my readers to do this in 2017, and in the years to come. It is a short, free e-book entitled: Reclaim Your Time With God – How to prioritize your time in a way that honors God and refills your life. You can download it by clicking here.
I would love for you all to share your thoughts in the comments below. What resolutions are you struggling with? What is God teaching you about putting Him before your resolutions? List at least one way that you are going to grow your relationship with God in 2017.
Hi, I’m Anna. I am a Registered Nurse in Grapevine Texas. I write to encourage and help others learn what it means to live faithfully in our day to day lives.
Twitter: @anna_k_hughes
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