You guys, how is it already Christmas? Is it just me or does time pass faster the older we get? It seems like it was just January, and I was sending you guys out a New Year’s note and telling you how I was gonna write more in 2018. *face palm* And here it is Christmas and I barely wrote anything this year! I have a lengthy list of post ideas flying around in my head (and in Continue Reading
Traversing Through Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks
Oh my goodness you guys! I recently spent the most incredible week between Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. If you follow me on social media, you got a small taste of my trip through photos and stories. But SO many of you reached out with questions, I thought I would share in more depth about my week. For those of you around for a while, you may remember a few Continue Reading
A Few Thoughts on Turning 40
Today begins my 40th trip around sun. I wish I would’ve journaled at 20 what I envisioned my life would look like at 40 because MAN, it sure turned out differently than I thought. And while I truly, truly believe everything ends up exactly like it’s supposed to, the road up to this point not only has been filled with bumps, but also with lots of adventurous and exhilarating Continue Reading
I’ll Never Move Back to Louisiana (Part 2)
Honestly, in my entire life, I don’t think I’ve ever been as drawn to anything…much less a house that would capture my affection and undivided attention. I KNEW the Lord was calling me home. Every time I visited my family, I soaked in the tall pine trees, azaleas and slower pace of life in north Louisiana. I could feel it drawing me in. I KNEW He wanted me near my Continue Reading
I’ll Never Move Back to Louisiana (Part 1)
Famous. Last. Words. In 1995, when I graduated high school and went to college at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR, I was SO ready to get out of Louisiana. “I will NEVER move back here!” I exclaimed. In 1998 I graduated college, moved back to Louisiana and began my first teaching job in Bossier Parish. (Man I loved those kids at Plain Dealing Elementary. I Continue Reading
A Review of Cindy Beall’s New Book: Rebuilding A Marriage Better Than New
When my world fell apart, I was HUNGRY for ANY resources to help me cope. I had NO point of reference to deal with the extreme hurt and betrayal following infidelity. I was blowing through marriage books as fast as I could. One Saturday night at church, my pastor told us about a new book by Cindy Beall that just released, Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken, and shared Continue Reading
Finding God in First World Problems
It’s sort of a joke all over social media… When things don’t go as planned or Murphy’s Law takes over resulting in minor inconveniences, we hashtag pictures, tweets, and posts with #FirstWorldProbs. #FirstWorldProbs make light of our American plights (no outlet to charge our cell phone, a water boil (Corpus Christi knows ALL about this), a Starbucks drink not made to Continue Reading
4 Reasons I LOVED Traveling With My Parents
If you picked up a copy of Living Forward and read the exemplar life plan by ‘Rachel’ (aka me), you discovered one of the specific commitments under my family account is to be more intentional about spending time/traveling with my parents. To kick off the fulfilling of that commitment, I just wrapped up a super fun week of adventure doing JUST that! We started out in Vegas, Continue Reading